Sunday 18 October 2009

The evolution of renminbi yuan and the protracted debate on its undervaluation

A good paper in the Journal of Asian Economics. Summarises the various issues very well.

The evolution of renminbi yuan and the protracted debate on its undervaluation: An integrated review

Dilip K.


For virtually a decade, the undervaluation of RMB yuan has become an issue of impassioned debate in international monetary economics. This issue kept the academic and policy circles engrossed in argumentative deliberations. That RMB yuan is undervalued is widely acknowledged. With China's emergence as an economic superpower of the future, this debate no doubt has considerable merit and ramifications. This article examines sang-froid the RMB yuan undervaluation and provides a review of recent and on-going research on it. The mid-2005 currency revaluation and modification of foreign exchange regime has enormous significance in this regard. It became a defining moment in the RMB yuan debate.

This article attempts to examine whether accusations of currency manipulation made against China can hold, or are merely disingenuous. It encourages the reader to see whether the RMB yuan should be further appreciated. If yes, whether the misalignment is inordinately large or of incidental order which would be corrected with the passage of time. A good number of econometric exercises were undertaken, using differing methodologies. There was a complete lack of consensus on the misalignment of the RMB yuan. It has slowly appreciated since it abandoned its dollar peg in 2005. As the Chinese economy picks up further growth momentum, the currency appreciation is expected to accelerate.

Keywords: China; RMB yuan; Currency misalignments

JEL classification codes: F30; F31; F33

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